About MP1st

Established in 2011 by David Viselka and Fahed Jaradat, MP1st’s focus on multiplayer quickly allowed it to carve its own niche among the litter of gaming sites on the internet.

Fast forward to today, and MP1st is still fragging, dominating and taking names! With the acquisition of the MP1st brand by gaming media veterans, Alex Co and Mack Ashworth, and uniting it with the Pixel Enemy brand that has been around since 2010, MP1st is expected to be the #1 source when it comes to multiplayer gaming news, reviews, features, videos and more!

Of course, multiplayer gaming can’t be accomplished without enemies to frag, or teammates to play with; and this is the heart of MP1st: camaraderie, competitiveness, community spirit and sense of togetherness. Regardless if you’re a shooter fan, someone who’s been playing fighting games since the ’90s, or a MOBA freak; as long as you enjoy playing with others, MP1st is the perfect destination for you.

Multiplayer gaming is here to stay and is already a big part of most peoples’ lives. If it’s something you’re as passionate about as we are, you’ve come to the right place.

Want to reach out to suggest something to the staff? We’re just an email (tips@mp1st.com) away for suggestions, complaints, ideas, and more.